12.7 – The Candidate

And now a word from our sponsor.

[Music plays.  Cecil sounds very chatty.]

We all want to live forever, right?  Wrong.  Think about watching your family die as you selfishly carry on, your children aging and passing, your grandchildren, and so on.  Think of all the friends you’ll make, and eventually lose.  You don’t want that.  No!

You know the earth is eventually going to be swallowed by the sun, right?  And one day, you would be present for this greatest of all apocalypses.  As fascinating as this would be, scientifically speaking, this excitement would fade as the pain of thousand-degree flames engulfed your tender body, and your agèd mind would be so alone in this interminable torture. Does this sound like something you want?  We didn’t think so. Immortality is stupid.  Think before you wish.

This message brought to you by Direct TV.

15.4 – Street Cleaning Day

The staff at Dark Owl Records announced today that they are only listening to, selling, and talking about Buddy Holly. If you want to buy music at all, you had better like Buddy Holly. If you dress like Buddy Holly, that’s cool too.

They also announced that Buddy Holly will be performing live there this Saturday night at eleven to promote his newest album, which is called I’m Trapped In Between Worlds, Existing Only In The Form That You Knew Me, This Is Not Who I Am, Leave Me Alone And Just Let Me Die, Please.